Loose Leaf Chai Mix

Have I been drinking way too much of this tea? Yes, why yes I have. The spices are so potent if you make your tea fresh from whole or mostly whole spices that the flavor cannot be equaled. The aroma when you mix the spices and seeds together is so delicious and yet it is even more delightful to your senses when you steep the tea! I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do. 

5 parts ginger, dried and cut
4 parts rooibos or black tea
4 parts cinnamon chips 
4 whole black pepper
3 parts whole cloves
2 parts fennel

Use 1 Tbsp per 16 oz of boiling water. Steep 5-10 min. This tastes best with a splash of vanilla, some half n half and a spoon of sugar, even better if you whip it up in a frother! For a dairy free and sugar free version it tastes great with some stevia drops and coconut milk. When it's still warm out this makes a wonderful cold tea especially if you froth up some half n half with stevia and a couple drops of vanilla. 


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