Air Fryer Potato Swirls

4-6 potatoes, russet preferred
4-6 skewers
2 Tbsp oil 
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder

About 30 minutes before you wish to begin, cut your skewers so they will fit in the air fryer and soak them in water. Slice off the outer two sides of each potato. Place between 2 skewers on cutting board and thinly slice the potato, making sure the knife is stopped from reaching the cutting board by the skewers. Flip the potato over and thinly slice again, this time diagonally, once again using the skewers to keep your knife from slicing through to the cutting board. Push the potato onto the skewer and twirl each end opposite directions until you have a nice curl. In a small bowl mix together the garlic powder and salt; set aside. Drizzle some oil onto both sides of each potato and sprinkle with the spice mixture. Preheat the air fryer to 390 and cook for 13 minutes, turning at the halfway point. Serve immediately. Serves 4-6

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